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Join the Psychology Summer Training

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    Event Date

    Starts from June 19, 2023
    12:00 PM

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    Sri Aurobindo Society,
    Adchini, New Delhi, 110016

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Welcome to the Project Inclusion summer training programme.

Learn from the best of experts like special educators, clinical psychologists, and more to level up your skills in the field of mental health! For a registration fee of ₹500, you can unlock learning opportunities and extend your knowledge of neurodevelopmental disorders.

Foundation: Understanding Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Dive into the fascinating world of Neurodevelopmental Disorders from the perspective of Child Psychology. Learn about how to bring inclusion with the PI App, India’s largest inclusion platform. The Foundation level is compulsory for everyone who has registered for Training 1 or Training 2, or both. In this foundation level, we are covering:
  • ADHD
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Specific Learning Disorder
  • Intellectual Disability
  • Understanding Inclusion with Project Inclusion

Dates :19th June (For everyone who have registered in either Part 1, Part 2, or Both)
Duration : 12PM to 4PM
Training 1: Psychometric Assessments

Dates : 20th June to 22nd June
Duration : 4 hours everyday
Mode : Offline
Training 2: Learning Counselling Skills

Dates : 26th June to 28nd June
Duration : 4 hours everyday
Mode : Online
Who is it for?

Only for Students pursuing or completed Masters in Psychology

Who is it for?
  • Psychology Students
  • Special Educators
  • School Counsellor
  • B.Ed. and D.Ed. Students
  • Mental Health Professionals and Social Workers
Develop essential skills for administration, scoring, and interpretation of psychometric tests by RCI registered clinical psychologists.

You’ll get to know how to use these tests:

  • Vineland Social Maturity Scale
  • Developmental Screening Test
  • Child behaviour checklist - CBCL
  • Intelligence Tests - SFBT, BKT
  • Rating Scales for Neurodevelopmental Disorders - ADHD-T; CARS; VANDERBILT ADHD, ISAA
Unlock the art of counselling with the RCI registered experts. Gain expertise in:

  Communication (SOLER - Counselling skills)
  • Reflective skills
  • Questioning skills
  • Probing skills
  • Paraphrasing skill
  • Summarising skills
  • Empathy, validating and confrontation skills

  Parental counselling
  • Psycho-educating parents
  • Parent management training
  • Home based strategies

  Teacher’s counselling
  • Psycho-educating Teachers
  • Classroom Strategies

Teaching Methods
  1. Practice in Mock Sessions
  2. Interactive Discussions through Fascinating Case Vignettes
  3. Engaging Classes by RCI Registered Clinical Psychologists and Special Educators
  4. Stimulating Brainstorming Sessions and Group Activities for Real-World Management Planning

Learning Outcomes
  1. Certificate of completion
  2. Learn skills of assessment and its application
  3. Build knowledge base about child psychology
  4. Build efficient counselling skills required in various context
  5. Get to know about how inclusive education can be implemented at a national level

You can register to Training 1 or Training 2 or both

Know Your Trainer