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  •   011-26511669

  •    Delhi, India


Re-establishing education for children with learning diffculties

Project Inclusion, a nationwide programme of Sri Aurobindo Society, aims to sensitize and assist teachers and parents to be able to screen children who have functional difficulties in the domains of cognition, academics, speech and language, socio-emotional and motor abilities. The programme empowers and equipes the teachers to identify and support children with learning difficulties. Moving beyond the boundaries of the school, the parents of the identified child are given counselling in order to foster a supportive environment at home.

An initiative of Sri Aurobindo Society, we at Project Inclusion believe that the first step to providing equal and quality education to these young souls is to enable their teachers to identify their special needs. Only then can their presence be acknowledged by the education system, their due rights provided, and empathic environments created to support their educational journey. Till March 2020, the Project Inclusion programme used to conduct activities on-ground. Considering the changing paradigm of educa on, the programme initiated the process of developing digital platforms for maximum reach, hence providing training to teachers through this user-friendly digital platform (Learning Management System) through our course ‘Learning Difficulties – Understanding and Management (Level 1)’.The programme focuses on Specific Learning Disability, Intellectual Disability, Autism Spectrum Disorder and other learning difficulties.


Online Course

“This course has 17 modules based on audio-visual content in multiple languages. Each module has approximately 4-5 videos each, along with assessments, additional reading material and module assessments at the end. A final assessment is conducted after the completion of the course.”


“In this phase, the grade-specific screening tools are designed to assist teachers and parents to be able to screen children who have functional difficulties in the domains of cogniton, academics, communication, speech and language, behaviour, sensory, socio-emotional and motor abilities. ”

Specialized Interventions through teachers

“In the final phase, our team of experts provide support in bridging the gap between state resource teachers and school teachers to help implement the Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) in relation to the case studies submitted by them. Through this, teachers, parents and special educators are able to work on students’ target behaviours.”

Project Inclusion wishes to impact the overall academic orientation of students with learning difficulties, therefore providing the best possible opportunities towards inclusivity as well as retention in mainstream education.


Project Inclusion believes that the first step in providing equal and quality education to students with learning difficulties is to make their teachers better capable of identifying students with learning difficulties in a classroom. We facilitate such change within the community of teachers by providing them a training course, along with screening and specialized interventions. We are focused towards sensitizing and empowering teachers towards inclusive education.
The 3 phase digital training course offered by Project Inclusion trains and supporta teachers to identify students with Specific Learning Disability, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Intellectual Disability and ADHD.
Till March 2020, the Project Inclusion programme used to conduct activities on-ground. Considering the changing paradigm of education, the programme initiated the process of developing digital platforms for maximum reach, hence providing training to teachers through this user-friendly digital platform (Learning Management System) through our course ‘Learning Difficulties – Understanding and Management (Level 1)’.